ALGEN is awarded first prize at JCEFP “48 Hour Startup” event



48 hours startup logo

Algen took part to the 48 hour startup event organized by the JCEFP (Jeune Chambre Economique des Français de Pékin/ French Junior Economic Chamber of Beijing) and sponsored by Orange.

Participants will have the pleasure to meet with successful entrepreneurs such as Bertrand Schmitt (App Annie), Benjamin Joffe (+8*), Yixin Yang (Tango), Hacène Taibi (Them), Shlomo  Freund (Startup Noodle/ikuragoup) and representatives from top 5 software company, BioMérieux and Bull. Coaches, investors and entrepreneurs will be there to give advice to start-up-ers.

During the weekend at the Orange Labs in Beijing, the Algen team had the occasion to discuss with other entrepreneurs.

The jury decided to award the first prize to Algen for the quality of its product design and its ability to go to market.


Some photos of the weekend:


Thank you to the organization staff for a very successful event!

Posted in Events